Hey Guys! My name is Ali and I made fnf android V0.2.8 with cool icons!

Link download:https://www.mediafire.com/file/qer2fpkqrnbqxna/FunkinAndroidWebV0.2.8.zip/file


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you only changed the icons

what No what the heck I used extract.me to extract the fnf android 0.2.8 to html

And replaced the game with the html stuff… but anyways it’s not the same

Also give me the fnf psych ios FunkiniOS controls

it also says v6

I don’t have kodex

10/10 Perfect

Ikr it’s not same it’s updated android fnf

can you make a yt channel called AliGaming

And when I comment this 

 example Can you upload this


sure I can make a YouTube channel called AliGaming

thanks and you best cause

1 first I found you in https://youtu.be/Ma1pRzrpxnU

2 you follow me

3  when I saw that you made the Dave and Bambi port, that just made me think that your a master porter

4 and that’s how I follow you. Like you, and sent a friend request to you and you did the same and we actually accepted!

WWWWWAAAAAAIIIITTT! can you put the channel in your channels page

I’m on mobile but sure

Oof it won’t let me